In March 1987, in Bakersfield, CA, my brother Jordan entered the world just 16 months before me, and 14 months later, our youngest brother, Justin, was born.
We grew up together in Bakersfield, attending school together from preschool through high school. Every Sunday, our family would go to church, and each summer, our grandparents took us on memorable vacation trips.
One of our favorite destinations was the beautiful beaches of Newport in Orange County, CA. Those were truly special times that shaped our bond as brothers.
Jordan was well-loved for his witty humor and kind demeanor, which endeared him to everyone around him. From a young age, he had a fascination with languages, even attempting to teach himself both Chinese and Russian in grade school by checking out books at the local library while we waited for our single mother to finish her studies to become a teacher. He eventually mastered American Sign Language and became known for interpreting for our friends in the deaf community, showcasing his passion for communication and connection.
Jordan was a passionate animal lover with a heart of gold. He was always quick to stand up for anyone in need, especially those being picked on, regardless of whether he knew them. His strong sense of justice defined him as he grew up. Our mom often had a clever way to help others remember our three "J" names: "Joshua crossed the Jordan to get to Justin" (with Justin meaning Justice).
We spent many glorious years playing soccer with AYSO, creating countless cherished memories that we hold dear to our hearts even today. Those times were truly the highlights of our childhood!
Each season, Jordan would rotate between being on my team or Justin's since we were all so close in age. As a middle child, he might not have loved that arrangement, but we were thrilled to have him with us. It always made for a fun time, especially because he was left-handed and could shoot and score from anywhere on the field!
Jordan followed me into the wrestling room and quickly became a SWYL League Champion as a freshman in the smallest weight class at just 103 pounds—an impressive feat in his very first year of the sport! He was also a talented long-distance runner; I vividly remember him tucking an apple-flavored Jolly Rancher in his cheek to maintain his glucose levels while he ran. The rest of the track team would cheer him on as he celebrated numerous victories!
There’s no denying it—Jordan was an All-Star athlete and a borderline genius academically! He loved to have a good time and was well-liked by everyone. Fearless in any situation, he often called on me and Justin for backup when things got tough.
Jordan faced significant struggles with addiction early in life, as temptation led him down the path of substance abuse. This ultimately cut short his high school dreams; he was expelled and had to transfer to another school to complete his last two years, eventually earning his GED. Those years were incredibly challenging, as youth group members, church leaders, coaches, and fellow athletes reached out in support, but their efforts had little impact as his behavior and mental health continued to deteriorate. Sadly, our fears became a harsh reality when Jordan became addicted to crystal methamphetamine and other hard drugs.
Jordan’s life was marked by ups and downs. He tried to hold jobs in construction and retail, but his addiction continued to take a toll, making it difficult for him to maintain employment. As time went on, we watched his mental state deteriorate before our very eyes.
During these challenging years, Jordan’s girlfriend, Dena, became the mother of his only child, a daughter named Eleni. She is his sole remaining descendant and a lasting part of his legacy.
Jordan experienced a slow and steady decline in his mental health and ability to navigate life. From around 2008 until his tragic death from heat stroke, mental illness, and the harsh summer elements in the valley, our family was left heartbroken and distressed over his situation. Despite our efforts to place him in various programs, including jail and court-mandated probation, nothing seemed to be enough to save him. There were few resources available to help Jordan in the way he truly needed, and as he slipped further from reality, he descended into an abyss where he could no longer function as a healthy member of society.
We were left with only the hope we found in "searching" for Jordan every holiday—and many times in between—while our mother and father never stopped looking for him until the very end. Often, we would find him in desolate places that broke our hearts and filled our minds with the haunting question, "Why?"
Eventually, during a brutal heat wave in the summer of 2023, I received the call no one ever wanted to get. It was from the Kern County Deputy Coroner's office, informing me that on July 17th, in the sweltering 115-degree heat, Jordan had been found dead in an alley on the east side of town. He was face down on a dirty mattress, bundled up against the harsh sun, and was discovered by a neighbor named Brad, who often offered him food, cigarettes, or water. I am grateful to Brad for reporting it, as my desperate prayer had become simply to find him, whether alive or deceased.
I couldn’t save my brother from this heartbreaking loss, but it has ignited a passion in me to help those in need who are still with us. Each person experiencing hardship belongs to someone; they are someone's family. I believe it is our duty to "LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS AS OURSELVES." Together, we can make a difference in their lives and honor the memory of those we've lost.
At The Jordan Project, we refuse to see another life lost in this way. While I understand we can't help everyone, our mission is to reach as many as possible and promote mental health awareness. By doing so, we hope to save lives, just like Jordan's. He was worth saving, and may the legacy of his life inspire us to support and uplift those who are lost and struggling with addiction and homelessness in our communities.
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Thank you for taking the time to consider Jordan's story. Your support means the world to us, and may God bless you for your kindness.